Thanks to all who helped defeat the anti-public education recall
On Tuesday night, the effort to recall Governor Gavin Newsom suffered a resounding defeat. By a two-to-one margin, voters beat back this wasteful recall attempt, one that cost California taxpayers more than $200 million that could have been spent on our schools and communities. Voters clearly stood on the side of protecting our progress and defending the gains we’ve made in California.
Organized labor — YOU — played a huge part in this victory. We stood with our partners in the labor movement and helped provide the grassroots effort that turned out the vote. Thanks to all the CFT members who made thousands of phone calls and knocked on thousands of doors, urging voters to vote NO on the recall. Collectively, our hard work paid off.
In his statement last night, CFT President Jeff Freitas stated that “defeating this recall is a step towards protecting the progress that we have made in California over decades of hard work with our partners in public education, in the labor movement, and in our communities. This defeat sends a clear message that we will not go backwards.”
Let’s take a moment to celebrate this incredible victory. And then let’s get back to the important work of ensuring that California’s students are being provided a world-class education in schools and colleges that are safe and welcoming.