PEAK in Community
The latest news about our sector partnerships and how PEAK is advocating for more equitable grantmaking practices at conferences, convenings, and community conversations.
PEAK and EPIP partnered on a three-part career series that kicked off with A Leader Salon on Career Journeys in Philanthropy. In addition to Satonya Fair moderating a conversation with Lourdes Inga, TeQuion Brookins, and Eusebio Diaz about how they each built their careers, attendees engaged in breakout discussions to talk about the challenges of pursuing professional pathways in philanthropy.
PEAK accepted an invitation to join the Knight Foundation’s programmatic and grant staff to dig into PEAK's Narrow the Power Gap Principle. Chantias Ford led a lively discussion while Knight colleagues elevated opportunities for them to further enhance their engagements with nonprofit partners. What was so impressive was the deep relationships the staff have with their grantees and the ways in which they act as equal partners with their grantees. Our thanks to Roshell Rinkins, who has been a wonderful partner in connecting PEAK with the Knight teams, and we look forward to future engagements.
PEAK presented to the Colorado Department of Human Services procurement team to discuss why diversity, equity, and inclusion are important in the procurement process. This engagement included an opportunity for the staff to review their initial efforts to update their practices and generate ideas for new ways to engage with vendors and nonprofit partners with an equity lens.
PEAK participated in a United Philanthropy Forum session to discuss how to host and engage action-oriented communities of practice. We shared our own efforts to date, what's worked, what hasn't, and what new ideas we're germinating to improve engagement in these forums. It was a wonderful opportunity to hear what peer organizations are doing and grappling with, as the Forum seeks new ways to bring members together around an issue and harness how the group then creates their own ideas for practice change.