


Four weeks ago the Million Voters Project Action Fund made its first phonecall to defeat the Republican recall.


By the time the polls closed yesterday our coalition had 300,000 direct one-to-one conversations with voters and had reached another 700,000 through email and texts -- helping power a landslide victory. 


Voters of color and young voters were essential to defeating the recall because they understood exactly what was at stake. This election wasn’t only about Governor Newsom. It was about the critical issues on the line for communities of color and low-income families in California. 


Immigrant rights, COVID safety, climate justice, criminal system reform - all of these were on the ballot. And yesterday, Californians made clear that we are not turning back the clock on the progress we’ve made, we’re moving forward. 


For more than a decade, the seven organizations that make up the multi-racial coalition of the Million Voters Project Action Fund have been working to build power and win statewide elections in our state. Yesterday's decisive victory is a testament to the power we’ve been able to build together but we know the work continues. 


That is why in a few weeks the Million Voters Project will be back on the doors and the phones to continue talking to voters about the future we can create in California and we hope you’ll continue to stand with us. 

Thank you for your unwavering support and for sending a clear message to the country yesterday.


Together we’re moving California forward. 


Amado Uno

MVP Action Fund Director 

Who is MVP Action Fund?

Ad paid for by Million Voter Project Action Fund Committee to Oppose Newsom Recall.  Committee major funding from CHIRLA Action Fund, James Brooks, and Wayne Jordan.

Funding details at