Dear John,
It looks like you may have missed "The Truth About Transition" webinar held yesterday. Feedback is pouring in about how timely and helpful it was, and we don't want you to miss out! Here is the link so you can watch it on demand.
The topic of children struggling with gender and identity issues is not a new one, but it's more important than ever. The radical Left is selling our youth the devastating lie that a person’s sex is simply a social construct that can be changed at will. Kids in public schools are caught in the crosshairs of this indoctrination. With a new school year launching, NOW is the time to get your questions answered!
The webinar features a medical expert who will do just that.
Please also consider standing with Family Policy Alliance today. Every day we are working with allies at the national and state levels to protect children from dangerous transgender interventions. Currently, only two states protect children from the harm of gender "transition." That must change.
Your gift now will help protect children by ensuring they are offered compassionate treatment, not transition. We need your help to protect our children from dangerous transgender medical experimentation! Thank you for your partnership.