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Tuesday, Sept 14, 5:30pm Eastern Time

The PCCC is a proud sponsor of this important organizing call with Elizabeth Warren, Pramila Jayapal, and Brendan Boyle -- moderated by Heather Mcghee.


Turn on images to see the invitation.

America’s billionaires have gotten $1.8 trillion, or 62%, wealthier during the pandemic alone. But some in Congress still think we "can’t afford" to make the historic $3.5 trillion in human infrastructure investments to benefit working families who suffered the most over the last 17 months.

They couldn’t be more wrong, and Senator Elizabeth Warren, Representative Pramila Jayapal, and Representative Brendan Boyle are fighting to prove it.  The infrastructure plan will be voted on in the U.S. House and Senate in coming weeks.

A massive lobbying campaign by the rich and corporations is underway to defeat it. To be successful, we have to mobilize.

Join Senator Warren, Reps. Jayapal and Boyle, the PCCC, and allies across the country at 5:30 PM Eastern Time TODAY for an extra special mobilization town hall. JOIN THE CALL HERE NOW!

And, donate here to our organizing work on Capitol Hill and around the country to pass a wealth tax that makes billionaires such as Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg pay their fair share.

We know that due to our rigged tax code, many of us pay higher federal income tax rates than the ultra-wealthy, who regularly pay no taxes at all! It’s time we made sure EVERYONE in America pays their fair share toward our collective future.

That’s exactly what President Biden is aiming to do in his Build Back Better plan. The President and Democrats in Congress are working hard to pass historic investments in paid leave, affordable child care, universal pre-K, free community college, affordable health care, lower prescription drug costs, home- and community-based care, clean energy, and so much more, paid for by fairer taxes on those at the very top.

But that’s not all we can do. We’re building massive support for other critical ways to level the playing field and make the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share, including Senator Warren’s wealth tax plan!

We need you to join the fight and use your voice to tell Congress that it’s time to make billionaires pay their fair share and invest in the rest of us. Click here to dial in to this important call right now.

Can’t make it on September 14th? The town hall will be posted to our Facebook page after the call so you can watch and share with your friends.

(Donate here to our organizing work to pass a wealth tax and make billionaires pay their fair share.

On the call, you’ll hear from leaders and activists across the country about how YOU can take action and help Democrats and President Biden unrig our tax code to make historic investments in families like yours. It’s never been more important to talk to your representatives and encourage your friends and neighbors to join in the fight!

Thank you for fighting for an economy that works for all of us, not just the wealthy and corporations. We look forward to seeing you on September 14th!

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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