Patriot, This is starting to spin out of
control. President Biden’s approach is to divide and demonize regular people who’ve
done nothing wrong and have been accused of no crime . . . but it’s reached a new level that should make EVERYONE very nervous.
To be frank, I’m even more determined to dig in my heels.
Big Government … Big Brother … the statists … they all want nearly one-hundred million Americans to take these Big Pharma
experimental vaccinations through COERCION.
That is the bottom line and not up for debate. I believe Joe Biden’s words last Thursday
will be ones that live in infamy: “We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin. And your
refusal has cost all of us.” -Joe Biden, September 9, 2021
That dictator-style statement
will either sink his already failing administration or lead to much worse things for our country.
I don’t know about you, but my money is on that statement being the straw that broke the camel’s back. That is, if you and I make Biden and those pushing the mandates pay the price, politically!
Biden followed up that off-the-rails statement by dictating a corporate fascist executive order
threatening to again destroy thousands upon thousands of businesses, if they don’t mandate the COVID jabs for their employees.
In 2020, it was shut your business down to “slow the spread.”
In 2021, it’s force your employees to get two jabs OR ELSE. Dr. Fauci, not
to be outdone, made even more wild demands calling for unvaccinated Americans to be banned from air travel and to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for school
children at taxpayer-funded schools. Fauci said that draconian and unconstitutional travel ban
is “on the table.” Never mind that the U.K. just completely scrapped their vaccine
passport system over the weekend. Aren’t WE supposed to be the bastion of liberty around
the world? Not if you ask Biden and Fauci!
Patriot, I’m losing my patience with BOTH of them and it’s time for Congress to ACT and put a stop to their rein of COVID terror,
sponsored by Big Pharma. If you haven’t
yet, sign your “MY Patience is Wearing Thin”
directive to your U.S. Senators and Representative IMMEDIATELY to DEMAND they rein in Joe Biden’s politically driven terror campaign against
free Americans. After signing, please chip in $25, $50, or whatever you can
afford to help us fight back against these COVID mandates. You and I MUST get the word out, so won’t you also forward this
email to your friends and family who will also consider taking action? There are
plenty of hopeful signs that what Biden said and did last Thursday FINALLY went too far with governors and even both sides of the aisle in Congress.
27 states’ governors or attorneys general appear to have had ENOUGH of Biden’s
dictates and will now fight back against them. According to The Center Square:
Twenty-seven Republican governors or attorneys general have vowed to fight the latest executive order issued by President Joe Biden mandating
that over 80 million private employees receive COVID vaccinations or undergo weekly testing, or their employer will be fined.
I suspect these elected officials have realized they’re
going to lose every single power they’ve got and any meaningful state sovereignty if they don’t fight back now.
In Congress, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) has been fighting to DEFUND Biden’s mandates before they’re
enacted, but he certainly needs backup to get that accomplished. Congress needs to hear from you AT ONCE. They haven’t fought the Biden
Administration on anything meaningful when it comes to COVID to this point. But they can sense
Americans are angry, and we can push them to act. If you haven’t yet, sign your “MY
Patience is Wearing Thin” directive to your U.S. Senators and Representative IMMEDIATELY to DEMAND they rein in Joe Biden’s politically
driven terror campaign against free Americans. Then please consider your most generous donation to keep
this fight going against vaccination tyranny. And if you’ve
already signed, please send it along to friends and family so they too can stand up to an over-reaching government.
There will no doubt be court cases argued about the legality of Biden’s private sector vaccination mandates,
but the people ultimately have more power than the courts -- if our voices are concentrated.
How you and I handle this next phase of the tyrannical response to the Coronavirus outbreak will determine a lot about how our children and
grandchildren’s future plays out. People are free to make their own medical decisions,
including those who want to take the COVID vaccination because they think it’s the right choice for them.
But that is no longer the conversation being had in Washington, D.C. and by our now dictatorial president.
Let’s all make our voices heard to Congress, because Biden and his cronies certainly are NOT listening.
In Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman P.S. We are
at a true turning point in our country now, especially with the Biden mandates. It’s important you and I stand up and make it clear to our
elected officials we won’t stand for this. Sign your “My Patience is Wearing Thin”
directive now and let Congress know it’s time for them to act and put a STOP to the Corona madness and unconstitutional actions by Joe
Biden. Liberty will ultimately prevail, but not without you and me facing some
tough battles. Many eyes need to be opened, and Campaign for Liberty is keeping the brushfires of liberty burning. Let’s make 2021 a historic
year. Please consider a generous donation
today. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. ____________________________________ The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great
American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign.