The Recall election has never just been about Governor Gavin Newsom.

Dear Friend,

Today is Recall election day. We will hear early election results tonight, and we'll likely know the outcome of this election in a matter of days.

The Recall election has never just been about Governor Gavin Newsom -- it’s about all of us, the values we hold dear, and what we are willing to do to stand up for equity and justice in the face of division, disinformation, and fear. No matter what the results of this election are, it’s clear that Californians are deeply invested in our shared future, and we now have the opportunity to keep shaping our future beyond this election.

Over the next few weeks, as the final results are revealed, we’ll be talking with you about what comes next for California in our courageous fight for a government and for policies that better reflect the needs of our diverse communities.

For now, I want to personally thank you for doing your part to help defeat this Recall. In the face of crisis after crisis, I’m grateful that the Courage California community has stayed focused and true to a vision of a better California and nation for everyone. Regardless of the election outcome, with Courage, we can and will continue to hold elected leaders accountable and move our shared progressive agenda forward.

In solidarity,

Irene, along with Angela, Annie, Caitlin, Isidra, Jay, Lindsay, LisaMarie, Raquel, and Scottie (the Courage team) 

P.S. If you haven't cast your ballot yet, there is still time! Get your ballot in the mail today, or visit our Your Power Is Your Vote website to find a polling place near you.


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