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22 October 2019
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Stars and Stripes | Problems facing military spouses are 'an issue of national security', Brookings panel discussion concludes

Matters that impact military spouses, such as unemployment, need to be part of national security discussions because of how they can undermine the nation’s volunteer military force, a panel of experts concluded Monday during a discussion at a Washington, D.C., think tank.

“If we don’t get this right, the cracks in the all-volunteer force model are going to become big chasms. And I think things fall apart,” Michael Haynie, executive director at the Institute for Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University, N.Y, said to an audience at the Brookings Institution.

Unemployment is an ongoing problem for military spouses due to the elements that make up military life, such as frequent moves and living far from family and career networks. These factors can have a negative impact on career opportunities for spouses.