A note on our political strategy.

Ground Game Texas

Friend, we’re going to ask you to make a contribution of $10 or more to help Ground Game Texas reach our mid-month grassroots goal in just a moment — but first, we want to lay out some important thoughts on our political strategy.

In Texas and nationwide, we are facing a nearly daily assault from right-wing extremists. Voting rights and women's reproductive rights are under attack, climate change is nearing the point of no return, and we are still living in the throes of a deadly, global pandemic.
So some of you have been asking: Why is Ground Game Texas focused on an issue like decriminalizing marijuana? 
Simply put, friend, it all comes down to voter turnout. 

In Texas, we have a turnout issue. Even in the most hotly contested Presidential election of our lifetime, Texas turned out only 61% of its registered voters in 2020. In some of the densest congressional districts of our state, we barely broke 50%. That means 5.6 million registered voters stayed home, while another 2 million eligible Texans didn't even get registered to vote. 

If we want to further our top progressive priorities like climate action or protecting democracy, we need a political strategy that engages and mobilizes new voters. 

That’s where cannabis reform comes in, friend. Aside from having meaningful consequences for those affected by our broken criminal justice system, data from other states show that cannabis reform gets young and inactive voters out to the polls.

In other words, Ground Game Texas is identifying the issues it will take to end decades of right-wing rule — because we can't reverse harmful legislation and meaningfully address climate change until we get extremists out of office. And we need folks like you to invest in our issue-based organizing model if we want to win state and municipal offices on strategically important turf. 

We’re crafting a political strategy to transform Texas, but our commitment to long-term change means we’re relying on grassroots supporters to sustain us. That’s why we’re setting a goal of raising $5,000 in online donations by tomorrow’s midnight mid-month deadline. Will you invest in this work today by chipping in just $10 or more, friend?

Support Ground Game Texas

What does winning in Texas look like? It looks like turning out large portions of voters who are ready for progressive change — and year-round organizing focused on popular policies will do just that. 
City by city, town by town, we’re using popular issues to mobilize voters of every age and background. If you can pitch in today to support that work, thank you — it means a lot to us.

In solidarity,

Julie & Mike