Mandela will be a powerful force for good, and he is the best candidate to defeat Ron Johnson next November.

I'm glad to share some big news with you today, John: I am endorsing Mandela Barnes for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin.

This election is powerfully important. Democrats have a razor-thin majority to defend in the Senate. The best defense includes a strong offense, and Wisconsin is one of our best chances to flip a Republican-held Senate seat.

That's why we’ve got to elect Mandela. He'll be a powerful force for good and he is the best candidate to defeat Ron Johnson next November. But first, he needs our help.

Please make a $3 contribution to Mandela Barnes' campaign for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin. Let’s fight side by side to send him to Washington.

Mandela is leading with a vision shared by PCCC members like you: Where everyone has the opportunity to thrive -- no matter where they were born or where they live. He understands that we need big, structural change in this country to make it work for everyone, not just the wealthy and well-connected.

And he’s fighting from the heart for hardworking families like the one he grew up in. His mom was a Milwaukee school teacher, and his dad worked the third shift at the General Motors plant. Those were solid, middle-class jobs – the kind of jobs that could support a family.

But today, the middle class is shrinking and working families are being squeezed to their breaking point. Meanwhile, the wealthiest people and biggest corporations have never had it so good.

With Mandela in the Senate, we will work together to root out corruption in Washington and create a government that works for working people. But it's going to take all of us to build a winning campaign.

I have been so grateful to have the support of PCCC members in my Senate races, and I would be honored to have Mandela as a colleague fighting for the people. So if you're ready to elect Mandela Barnes to the U.S. Senate, I am asking you today:

Please contribute $3 to Mandela's campaign for U.S. Senate. We can flip this Senate seat -- but only if we are willing to roll up our sleeves and be a part of this campaign.

We don't get what we don't fight for.

Thanks for being a part of this,

-- Elizabeth Warren




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