Democrats in Congress are working night and day to pass President Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan.
That’s a $3.5 trillion investment over the next decade to help everyday Americans in a way our country hasn’t seen since the New Deal era almost a century ago.
Meanwhile ...
The net worth of America’s 700+ billionaires increased $1.8 trillion just since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.
To recap:
- $3.5 trillion — the total price tag, spread out over ten years, for a historic investment in our nation’s future that would benefit *all* Americans.
- $1.8 trillion — how much richer America’s billionaires got over just the past 18 months.
- So, America’s billionaires could cover half the ten-year cost of “Build Back Better” and still be exactly as wealthy as they were before the pandemic.
I mention all of this because a key committee in the House of Representatives just released its initial proposal about how to pay for “Build Back Better.”
It’s up to us to make that proposal even stronger by pressing Congress to add several critical reforms.
Tell Congress:
As part of the “Build Back Better” plan, close loopholes that allow giant corporations to stash their profits in offshore tax havens and dodge their tax obligations here in America.
Add your name.
Thanks for taking action.
For progress,
- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen
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