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The gubernatorial recall election in California is being held today, September 14. Click here to see everyone who will appear on the ballot, and go to any candidate's positions folder to see if they have passed our Political Courage Test. Check back soon for election results.



New York

On August 10, Andrew Cuomo announced he would be resigning from post as New York's governor after findings of sexual harassment. Read his resignation speech here. Kathy Hochul, who had served as lieutenant governor, took his place on August 24-- read statements she's made since assuming office here.




The FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine on August 23, and Moderna filed for FDA approval of a booster dose of their own vaccine. As the Delta variant continues to spread, keep up with what your representatives are saying about the distribution of the vaccine here.



The latter half of August saw our nation's longest war come to a close. As the U.S. withdrew troops, the Taliban overtook major Afghan cities. Tragically, at least 13 U.S. service members lost their lives in a suicide bombing at Hamid Karzai airport in Kabul. Click here to read Biden's speech on the end of the war in Afghanistan, and click here to read your representatives' reactions.


Hurricane Ida

Hurricane Ida made landfall in Louisiana on August 29, leaving near-unprecedented devastation in the state. As it tracked up the eastern half of the country, it spawned tornadoes and massive flooding in New York and New Jersey, killing many. See your representatives' reactions to the storm here.



Texas Governor Greg Abbott has found his state in the national spotlight after he signed two controversial bills into law. Read the facts about what the bills contain below.

Click here for SB 1, which amends early voting laws.

Click here for SB 8, which prohibits abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected.



The U.S. Senate passed a $3.5 trillion budget plan that would expand Medicare, tax credits, and climate initiatives. Click here to see what's in the bill and to see how your senators voted.

Budget bill

in the U.S. Senate


Following months of negotiations, the U.S. Senate passed a bipartisan $1 trillion infrastructure bill. Click here to see the breakdown of what's in the bill and how senators voted.



New Jersey and Virginia have gubernatorial and state legislative elections coming up on November 2. Voters in Virginia will also have state attorney general candidates on their ballots. Keep an eye out at for all the facts we'll bring you on those candidates!

And, as always, you can subscribe to our 50-state elections calendar here.


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Vote Smart is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that provides accurate information about candidates, elected officials, and key pieces of legislation. By providing information in an easy and accessible manner, Vote Smart believes that citizens can better defend themselves from the questionable rhetoric and misrepresentation that characterizes present-day political campaigns.