Friend, as winter approaches in Afghanistan, the reality for children and families is growing more dire. Poverty rates are soaring, severe drought continues, water and food are scarce, basic services are limited and the pandemic remains a deadly threat. U.N. officials have just warned that at least one million children will suffer from severe acute malnutrition this year and could die without treatment.
For over 70 years, UNICEF has served as a lifeline for millions of children in Afghanistan, and despite new threats, we’re not going anywhere. During the last week of August, our teams provided 4,000 severely malnourished children under 5 with lifesaving therapeutic treatment. We know what needs to be done for children and now is the time to act. Make a gift to send critical aid to Afghanistan’s children >>
Friend, with your gift, we can continue to deliver lifesaving nutrition and ensure that every child in Afghanistan receives care in the face of crisis. |