Dear John,
It’s hard to believe summer’s already over and preparations for the 2022 proxy season are underway! As we make our corporate engagement and resolution plans for the year ahead, we’d like to share some recent highlights with you --  GE Resolution Sets New Record for Shareholder Support
98% of General Electric shareholders voted in support of our resolution requesting GE’s plans on how it will achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions across its business and product lines by 2050. In a very unusual move, the resolution was supported by GE’s board.
Following the vote, GE announced a major commitment to address climate change by setting a target to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 – including its Scope 3 emissions! Scope 3 emissions are the emissions from customers’ use of the products a company sells.
This action marks an important shift in GE’s business plans as a major manufacturer of fossil fuel power generation technologies. Daniel Stewart, As You Sow Energy and Climate Program Manager, remarked that “GE’s commitment to such ambitious goals positions the company to
thrive in the low-carbon economy…it shows how the partnership between investors and their companies can be incredibly productive…”
Environmental Justice Metrics Added to Racial Justice Scorecard
The As You Sow Racial Justice S&P 500 Scorecard now includes four new metrics specifically focused on environmental racism. The indicators assess environmental violations, fines, and penalties since 2015, core products and services, and corporate actions. The updated interactive data visualization tool enables sorting and comparisons by sector, market cap, number of employees, and geography. Each company is scored against its peers.
This scorecard identifies best practices, encourages corporate leadership, informs shareholder advocacy, and exposes laggards. Thirty-nine companies scored below zero, indicating they are doing more harm to communities of color than they make up for with positive actions. Over half of those 39 companies are oil & gas companies or fossil-fired utilities.
“To hold companies responsible for their activities in perpetuating environmental racism, we must identify and acknowledge the existence and extent of the disproportionate harm that corporate actions inflict on communities of color,” said Olivia Knight, As You Sow Racial Justice Initiative Manager.
As You Sow again earns Four-Star Rating from Charity Navigator
As Charity Navigator’s President and CEO says, “This is our highest possible rating and indicates that your organization adheres to sector best practices and executes its mission in a financially efficient way… As You Sow exceeds industry standards and outperforms most charities in your area of work. This exceptional designation… demonstrates to the public [your] trustworthiness. Only a quarter of rated charities have achieved this distinction!”
We are proud to be a Four Star charity – it means donors can trust their gifts are going to a financially responsible and ethical charity. It means we walk the talk.
Thank you for supporting our solution-oriented work – it has global impact.
With gratitude,
Betsy McMahon
Director, Shareholder Relationships and Individual Giving
As You Sow
2020 Milvia St
Suite 500
Berkeley, CA 94704
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