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New Dems' Efforts in Reconciliation: 

Over the past two weeks, the New Democrat Coalition has made significant progress towards our top priorities in reconciliation and our effort to focus the bill on doing a few things well for longer, rather than many things for short periods of time with near-term cliffs or significant delays.

 Check out some recent stories featuring the Coalition in the news: 


📰 "Centrist Democrats push stronger child tax credit expansion: Chair of New Democrat Coalition would have 'great concerns with overall bill if credit were dropped," Read more about our fight to extend the historic expanded Child Tax Credit in Roll Call.


📰 "Inside House Democrats' tug of war over health-care expansions," Read more about New Dems' priority to building upon the Affordable Care Act in The Washington Post.

📰 "Rep. Ron Kind: When it comes to reconciliation, let's learn from our past mistakes," Read NDC Member Ron Kind's (WI-03) op-ed in The Hill on how to implement responsible policies that successfully lift up our nation.

📰 "Joe Biden to referee Democrats in brewing battle over $3.5tn budget bill," Read more about how New Dems are focused on doing a few things well in reconciliation in order to provide certainty for working American families in The Guardian. 

New Dems Rural Reinvestment Task Force:

The New Democrat Coalition has also been focusing on Rural America and the unique issues it faces with our Rural Reinvestment Task Force, led by Co-Chairs Cindy Axne (IA-03) and Cheri Bustos (IL-17). Read more about what the Task Force has been up to in Iowa.


📰 "House Dems plot inroads to rural America," Read about the Rural Reinvestment Task Force's focus on rural issues like economic development, access to health care, and the digital divide in the Washington Times.

📰 "Rep. Cindy Axne: With Rural Reinvestment Force, ensuring Washington Hears Iowa's Voice," Read Task Force Co-Chair Cindy Axne's op-ed in Creston News on why it's important to bring the concerns of Rural America to Congress. 
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