From American Majority <[email protected]>
Subject Fighting for their Children’s Futures
Date September 14, 2021 4:44 PM
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How Parents are Fighting Back against Critical Race Theory in Schools

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** Fighting for their Children's Futures

It started small.

Just a few dozen parents who were disturbed when their community’s school board decided not to open up the schools for their kids to return in the fall last year. They shared their thoughts, their worries for the damage this decision might have on their children and the mitigation policies that transformed nurturing places of learning to places that resembled juvenile detention centers.

Then it grew.

As more and more policies came forward and were passed, these parents began to realize how instrumental a role the school board actually played in dictating the lives of their children. They started collecting signatures of people who shared their frustrations and felt like the school board wasn’t listening to them and ought to be recalled for failing to govern for the people who elected them to their positions.

This is the story of many communities throughout the country, but today we will just highlight the ongoing fight within one.
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Get expert advice on how regular citizens can ensure fair elections and make a meaningful change in Minnesota politics. Hosted by Kyle Hoon

Ned Ryun is a grassroots and conservative activism expert. He is the founder and CEO of American Majority, a non-partisan political training institute whose mission is to identify and mold the next wave of liberty-minded candidates, grassroots activists and community leaders.

Kim spent almost decade as an executive and policy fellow at the conservative think tank, Center of the American Experiment, before joining Charlemagne Institute as vice president and general counsel, publisher of Intellectual Takeout and Chronicles (2019-2020).

Kim Crockett will discuss how the integrity of the electoral process is not just in doubt but under attack. Kim will discuss an attempt by Congress to take over elections, and what you can do about it.

Ned Ryun will discuss how regular citizens can take on the powerful members of the swamp and win. No matter where you are at in your political activism, Ned will discuss steps you can take to make a positive change.

Hors d’oeuvre and Cash Bar

The event and Q&A will be hosted by Kyle Hooten of Alpha News.
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Join American Majority for the third training in our Election Integrity series. This training focuses on those people working inside the polling stations on Election Day and during In-Person Absentee Voting in Virginia. If you plan to help inside the polls this year or in the future, join us!

Come learn the differences between these two types of jobs and what to expect. These are important ways to help ensure secure elections in the Commonwealth.

Price: Free

Food available for purchase
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Our nation was founded by ordinary citizen activists desiring a government that was accountable to the people. Today, ordinary citizens across our nation are tired of the status quo and ready to engage for the betterment of their communities. American Majority’s political training addresses these passions by providing education and resources to help you meet your goals.

American Majority Wisconsin is pleased to announce that a Stop CRT Activist Training will be conducted Thursday, September 16th in Green Bay, WI.

The event will be held at The Rock Garden Event Center, 1951 Bond Street, Green Bay, WI 54303. The training begins at 7pm.

Preregistration is strongly encouraged.

Topics* to be covered during the training include:

-Do your research (on your school district and its use of curriculum)

-Get Organized

-Take Action!

-Run School Board Candidates

If you have any questions or would like additional information please contact Matt Batzel at [email protected].

American Majority is a non-profit and non-partisan political training organization whose mission is to train and equip a national network of leaders committed to individual freedom through limited government and the free market.

* Topics are subject to change.
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American Majority is pleased to partner with the Election Transparency Initiative in hosting a Pints and Politics Event on September 27th in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.

Our Special Guest Speaker is National Chairman of the Election Transparency Initiative ([link removed]) , the Honorable Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II. Ken will be speaking about election integrity, the power the grassroots to help achieve meaningful reforms, and a new public resource, ([link removed]) .

Registration is free, but space is limited, so please RSVP to secure access to this great event. Food and beverages will be available for purchase.
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** Don't see a training near you? Request one HERE ([link removed])
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Phone: (540) 338-1251
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