Dear Friend,

You’ve probably seen the news this morning that President Trump endorsed my opponent, Anna Paulina Luna. I want to make sure you hear from me directly in response. 

Let me be very clear: I support President Trump and his policies 100%. That’s why, while Luna disappeared after badly losing the 2020 election, I volunteered as an election security attorney for President Trump in the Wisconsin recount. 

Here’s the truth about Anna Paulina Luna. In her own words, she is “able to take on different personalities depending on what image I am going for. I think getting into character of what you are selling is super important.”

That cynical phoniness is exactly what Luna is using to try to trick Florida Republicans in this election.

Luna twice supported the Obama/Biden ticket, and now she’s playing a new character - even making up a new last name for herself - to get what she wants. It’s the game she’s played her whole adult life.

Unfortunately, it appears that President Trump was given bad information about Luna, just as he was in the recent special election in Texas where he endorsed the eventual loser in the GOP primary, instead of the true conservative Jake Ellzey who had the support of the Republican voters on the ground and is now in Congress.

Our district has already been subjected to phony Charlie Crist who betrayed our party and is now trying to take out our fantastic Governor Ron DeSantis. Let’s be honest: Luna is just Crist in a skirt, and our district can’t afford that.

Friend, I am determined to work harder than ever to earn your support and win the Republican nomination for Congress in Florida’s 13th District. We need a candidate who TRULY supports President Trump and his policies, not a phony who will abandon our principles and our party the minute it benefits her.

God bless,

Amanda Makki for Congress | Visit our website

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