Dear John,

As a friend of the Fondouk, you know every day is a challenge. But did you know we’re here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, ready to heal?

Or that we treat thousands of animals every year that would otherwise go without medical treatment — entirely for free?

What are often thought to be repairable injuries and preventable maladies in most areas can become a death sentence in this harsh desert environment.

Truly, our work never ends. That’s why I hope you’ll renew your support of American Fondouk today and be as generous as you can.

Stop Animal Suffering

During one hectic week, we had 6-7 cases of colic in for treatment — each day — for a week! One poor equid had 2 meters of his small intestine wrapped in a blanket under his belly after a run-in with a cow. Another had dropped a loop of small intestine into his scrotum.

We help these animals — all of them — to live better, pain-free lives and provide years of valuable service to the families whose very lives depend on them. In Fez, there is no time off from injuries or sickness.

Your gift now will help a hurting animal to heal!

With my deepest thanks,

Gigi Kay Signature

Dr. Gigi Kay


Help Save Animals


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