The recall in California isn’t just about Gov. Newsom. It’s an attack on working people and our democracy. Our brothers, sisters and siblings in California are doing everything they can to stop the recall—let’s join them.

Hi John,


Our union family in California needs your help to stop the recall of Gov. Gavin Newsom. This recall would roll back decades of progress to strengthen workers’ rights. Volunteer to call California union members and urge them to vote NO on the recall by Sept. 14.

Anti-union corporate interests and millionaires are trying to recall Newsom and replace him with Larry Elder. Elder is anti-worker. He stated on the record that “the ideal minimum wage is $0.”


We have to help our brothers, sisters and siblings in California protect:

  • Their wages and hard-earned benefits.
  • Pay raises for front-line workers.
  • Paid sick leave for all workers during the pandemic.

This isn’t just an attack on Gov. Newsom—this is an attack on workers’ rights. And we have to help stop it.


Our union family is knocking on doors and working on the ground in California. We can help by joining their phone bank on Sept. 13–14. The labor movement made more than 1.1 million calls this month, and now it’s time to stop the recall for good.


Volunteer to call union members in California and encourage them to vote NO on the recall.


In Solidarity,




Text WORK to AFLCIO (235246) to join our text action team. (Message and data rates may apply.)