John --

Election day is fast approaching!

Monday, September 20th marks the day that many Canadians will go to the polls to cast their ballots.

Now is the time for PPC supporters to take action and stand as scrutineers to observe the ballot counting process.

Scrutineers play an essential role in ensuring a free and transparent election. The corrupt establishment parties will find any reason to throw out PPC ballots, we need scrutineers in every polling place to ensure our Party is treated fairly!

Will you help us?

We’re counting on principled patriots to step up and act as scrutineers to stand on guard for our democracy.

For more information on what acting as a scrutineer entails, read our Scrutineer Guide. Don’t worry if you do not have experience doing this, we have prepared a short training tutorial for new scrutineers, and you will receive guidance at the polling station from Elections Canada officials.

Unfortunately, Elections Canada requires that all scrutineers wear a mask inside the polling station at all times. Medical exemptions will not be accepted. 

If you would like to enlist as a scrutineer, please click this link to sign up as a scrutineer for your local PPC Candidate!


- Maxime

People's Party of Canada

People's Party of Canada
Follow the PPC on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Odysee, and YouTube. Follow Max on Twitter and Rumble.
To make a donation with a cheque, please use this address: 15 Boulevard Montclair - PO Box 30019 BP Montclair - Gatineau (QC) Canada J8Y 2E2. The cheque must be made payable to People's Party of Canada. To make an online donation, please visit our website: Thank you!
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