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Tuesday, September 14th, 2021

Twenty Years on, We’ve Learned Nothing From 9/11

Ron Paul, MD

9/11 and the Politics of Fear and Self-Preservation

Whitney Webb

Are the Unvaccinated a Threat to Others?

Michel Accad, MD

Covid, 9/11, & Forever War

Kit Knightly

Hot Mic Catches Israeli Health Minister Admitting Vaccine Passports Are About Coercion

Paul Joseph Watson

Poll: The Distrust of Scientists Is Widespread — Including on Covid Vaccines

Terry Jones

Ordeal by Narrative

James Howard Kunstler

Biden’s Vaccinate Mandate: an Open Letter to Governors Who Want To Fight Back

Jon Rappoport

Plenty of Intelligence To Prevent 9/11

Ray McGovern

Fauci Calls for ‘Many, Many More’ Vaccine Mandates

Jack Davis

Well, Who Didn’t See This Coming?

Bionic Mosquito

What the Dictator Has in Mind for Us

Paul Craig Roberts


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