It’s only OK when Trump does it?

More attack ads, more money, and more lies.

John -- they’re coming after us again.

Grover Norquist, an influential Republican political operative and constant roadblock to making our tax system work for working people, just announced a massive ad buy targeting vulnerable Democrats. And you guessed it, Matt’s name is high on the list.


Norquist wants to label anyone who supports the Build Back Better Plan as a socialist -- calling the plan a “tax-and-spend-blowout.” John, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

As Democrats have said on the record countless times, the Build Back Better Plan will not raise taxes on anyone making $400,000 per year or less. On top of that, the plan includes $800 billion in tax cuts for American families and workers, while making sure wealthy tax dodgers and big corporations finally pay their fair share.

When Trump spends billions on useless vanity projects and tax giveaways to the rich, it’s OK; but when Biden and Congressional Democrats want to invest directly in American workers and families while we fight a pandemic, it’s not?

It’s clear that this isn’t actually about the financial bottom line -- this is about the GOP saying anything it can to claw back power in the next election. John, can you rush in a contribution to put these lies to rest and let Matt and the Democratic majority get back to helping people?

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The GOP is out of touch and doing anything it can to expand its power and the power of its ultrawealthy megadonors. We can’t let them stall vital legislation to help workers and families succeed.

You can chip in here to keep Democrats in the majority and keep Matt fighting for American families >>

Thank you,

Colleen Gerrity
Campaign Manager


In 2020, Matt Cartwright was one of only seven House Democrats who managed to win re-election in a Trump district and save our House Majority. But now Matt is target #1 for the GOP and their efforts to retake the House of Representatives, and he needs your help to win again! But if you'd like to receive fewer emails, we understand. You can request to get only the most important emails here, or you can unsubscribe.
Matt Cartwright has spent his entire career sticking up for working people, first as a trial attorney and now as the Congressman in Pennsylvania’s Eighth District. Matt was named one of the most effective Democrats in Congress for his ability to work across the aisle and get things done, and he's counting on your help to keep him in Congress. Will you make a donation to his campaign today?
Paid for by Cartwright for Congress

Cartwright For Congress
PO Box 414
Scranton, PA 18501
United States