Hi John,

Every day, eight children are killed or injured by unintentional shootings in the United States. These shootings happen when a child finds an unsecured gun at home and fires it accidentally, harming themselves or others.

Unintentional shootings have cut far too many futures short and changed far too many others permanently. And a new report shows the problem is only growing: deadly unintentional shootings by kids increased 31 percent during the pandemic. The nationwide surge in gun sales and the closure of school and extracurricular activities likely contributed to the increase.

This year, as children return to school and socializing, we’re asking parents to join us in pledging to ASK about firearm storage. Ask other parents, family, and community members about unlocked or loaded guns in their homes.

Parents and guardians ask all sorts of questions before a playdate, from allergies to internet access, guns should be part of that conversation. Here are a few examples from End Family Fire about how and when to ask about safe storage:

Parents dropping off their kids for a playdate: “My kid is pretty curious, and our doctor recommended that I ask — is there an unlocked gun where my child will play?”

Teens taking their first babysitting job: “Is there an unlocked and/or loaded gun in your home?”

Young adults moving into a group home: “Does anyone own a gun? If so, how is it stored?

In the United States, 4.6 million children live in a home with access to an unlocked or unsupervised firearm. And three quarters of children report knowing where guns are located in their homes. Children are curious, and when unsecured guns are involved, curiosity can turn deadly in the blink of an eye. Asking these simple questions and requiring safe firearm storage can prevent tragedy before it’s too late.

-- Renée (she/her)


P.O. Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194

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