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Did you know that a Koch-funded university think tank director actually justified inaction on climate change by arguing that smog serves as a skin-cancer-reducing sunblock? Seriously! 

You can learn more about this climate disinformation in a new podcast episode where we share the story of working alongside students at George Washington University to push school administration to address the Koch-funded Regulatory Studies Center, which has been linked to climate disinformation and deregulation — while the university attempts to tout a climate justice initiative agenda. The episode appears on the In This Climate podcast, and we’re thrilled to be able to tell our story in another format. 

We’re able to produce content like this thanks to the generous donations of folks like you! Mainstream media only occasionally covers stories like this, so it’s on us to ensure that the work of organizers at GW receive the attention they deserve. We may not have billions, but we have people power, and that matters. 

You can listen to this podcast episode for free, but please consider supporting the work we do with a $10 donation today.


In Gratitude,

Jasmine Banks, Executive Director


Essential Information C/O UnKoch My Campus (EIN 52-1299631)
P.O. Box 19405  | Washington, District of Columbia 20036
+1 210-343-1797 | [email protected]

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