Dear Friend,

The 13th Amendment in the U.S. Constitution prohibits slavery of any kind and we believe that sex slavery shouldn't be an exception to this rule of law.

Today, survivors Angela Williams and Jane Doe seek justice by bringing a lawsuit against the state of Nevada for protecting the sex trade and enabling sex slavery in violation of the 13th Amendment.

The lawsuit was filed by the NCOSE Law Center and Hutchison & Steffen, PLLC.

As revealed on the 2021 Dirty Dozen List—Nevada enables sex slavery via legalized prostitution including escort agencies, strip clubs, and brothels.

Even in a system of legalized prostitution, tactics such as force, fraud, and coercion are used to perpetuate the sex industry. In this system, businessmen and pimps thrive at the cost of survivors' psychological and physical health.

“The plaintiffs deserve justice, as their rights under the 13th Amendment which prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude . . . have been clearly violated.”

~ Christen Price, senior legal counsel, NCOSE Law Center

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This lawsuit seeks justice for these two survivors, but also to protect the rights of those who are currently being sex trafficked in Nevada and are therefore unable to sue on their own behalf.

In support of this lawsuit and survivors, please help us share this news far and wide with your networks via social media and email. I look forward to sending updates as the case unfolds!


Dawn Hawkins


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