Every member of Congress wants to create good jobs and keep the economy growing.
We've got news for them (that you can share with them directly): A bombshell new report found that if Congress passes a robust Clean Electricity Payment Program (CEPP), it will create nearly 8 million jobs and generate nearly $1 trillion in economic growth.
Now, our lawmakers need to hear this news directly from you.

Join the official National Clean Energy Day of Action today by calling Congress to overwhelm their phone lines with support for clean energy, specifically including a CEPP in the reconciliation package. It only takes a minute to reach your lawmaker's office, and we've got a script if you need it! (Plus, you'll be taking part in our month of "Evergreen Actions"...get it?!)
The Clean Electricity Payment Program, championed by Senator Tina Smith, takes federal dollars and invests them to get us to 80% clean electricity by 2030.
As the new report shows, it would create nearly 8 million jobs, expand the economy by almost $1 trillion in the next decade, help us meet our climate goals, and end our overreliance on deadly fossil fuels. Seriously, what's not to love?
The reconciliation package is our absolute best chance to put it into action—and our lawmakers need to hear from us TODAY.
By taking part in our Day of Action now (along with activists across the country), you'll be adding your voice to a huge movement that Congress won't be able to ignore. Take one minute to call your legislators today and demand that they pass this plan ASAP. (Haven't called your reps about this issue yet? No worries, we put together a short call script that you can read word-for-word!)
I'll be frank: Not everyone in Congress thinks that stopping climate change should be a priority. But every member wants to generate jobs and economic growth. Now is our chance to tell lawmakers the facts and increase our pressure. Let's go!
Lena Moffitt
Campaigns Director, Evergreen Action