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Dear friend,

The UN climate talks (COP26) are coming to Glasgow this November. Everyone knows that urgent action is needed to address the climate crisis – but do they know that cancelling debt is a key part of that action? 

Can you meet with your MP to let them know that there can be no climate justice without debt justice?

Yes, I'll meet my MP!

For countries in the global South, the situation is already extreme. Not only are they least responsible for the emissions causing the crisis, they’re also worst affected. One huge issue standing in the way of coping is debt. 

The banks and lenders who are profiting from climate debt are from the same countries that caused the climate emergency in the first place. It’s deeply wrong that those least responsible should face the worst effects and go into more debt to pay for it.  

But we can have the chance to make things right.  

Meeting with your MP over he next few months is one of the most effective ways to raise this vital issue and help make sure the voices of those most affected by the climate crisis are heard. Are you able to get involved with the campaign? 

Yes, count me in!

If you're unsure and haven't done this before, don't worry - we'll be helping you each step of the way. And we’ll put you in touch with other people in your area who also care about the same issues.

As ever we hope you and your loved ones are well and safe.

Best wishes, 
Skye, Eva, Zak and the rest of the team at JDC. 

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PO Box 965
Worcester, WR4 4JA
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