U.S. Senator Ted Cruz
This summer, Senator Cruz led the charge for Senate Republicans’ obstruction of the For the People Act -- a bill that would outlaw partisan congressional gerrymandering.
Governor Greg Abbott
This month Governor Abbott signed the legislature’s now-infamous anti-voting bill into law. Abbott’s disdain for truly participatory democracy shows us that we cannot count on him to prevent maps from being drawn in a backroom or use his power as governor to veto unfair maps drawn by the legislature.
Texas Redistricting Committee Chair Todd Hunter
After Rep. Hunter’s appointment as chair of the redistricting committee, Democrats said he “has no business leading this process” and pointed out that during the “last redistricting cycle, he maneuvered the system to undermine Latino voting power."
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, Governor Greg Abbott, and Texas Redistricting Committee Chair Todd Hunter could use their influential roles to advocate for fair redistricting. Instead, they’re doing everything in their power to prevent fair maps.
Now that we’re in the most consequential phase of the map-drawing process -- we need to ramp up our accountability efforts to stop ideological partisan politicians like Cruz, Abbott, and Hunter from enabling map manipulation.
The last time that lines were drawn, Republican map drawers cracked the vibrant and diverse city of Austin to cut it up into six separate districts, connecting the city’s progressive voters with surrounding conservative areas.
Now, the gerrymandered Republican majority in the state legislature is about to put pen to paper on new maps -- and it has already been an uphill battle to secure real transparency, accountability, and opportunities for public input.
We’ll only be successful in this redistricting cycle by educating, training, and mobilizing volunteers to bring transparency and accountability into the process.