Dear Friend
This morning I want to put in your hands the challenge we face over the next 50 days, though the November 2, 2021 election: we must elect Terry McAuliffe and hold the Virginia House of Delegates.

Terry worked to gain the majority that led to Medicaid for 400,000 Virginians & restored voting rights for returning citizens. He is a great leader for the ideals we share: please click below and join Terry and I tonight in Arlington, or make a contribution to help reach our goal!
Join this Evening or Contribute what you can to Win November 2nd
Terry also did a very early event that helped our campaign to serve on the Arlington County Board. Without his support, I am not sure I would have the chance to serve you and our shared commitment to strengthening the American Dream on the Arlington County Board. 

I've pledged to raise and contribute $5,000 for Terry: thanks to you, we are very close to our goal! Will you help by contributing a little to raise the last $1250 we need?

Every little bit will help Terry win AND help him do so by the margin we need to keep the Virginia House of Delegates in Democratic hands. You will be very welcome at the event tonight, but you don't have to come to the event to help, just go here and contribute $100, $50 or whatever you can:
Terry is a relentless campaigner for the ideals we share: he works for democratic ideals, has made a big difference in the lives of so many Virginians, and stood with us/me from the beginning.
I ask this morning because nothing in politics is inevitable and so much is at stake in Terry's campaign, including, and perhaps most importantly, winning by a margin large enough to keep the Virginia House of Delegate races that will be just down the ballot from Terry, in Democratic hands. 

Thank you for your consideration of the stakes in this election, 


ps. If you have questions about these events, please email me at [email protected]
Authorized by Matt for Arlington

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