
Yesterday, I told you about our work to elect progressive judges across Pennsylvania.

Today, I want to tell you that our work to win this November is not just focused on judges in Pennsylvania, we're also working hard to elect progressive candidates, like Hala Ayala and Lashrecse Arid, across Virginia.

As we enter the last two months of this election cycle, our work is all about getting out the vote. Will you consider pitching in to fund our Get Out the Vote campaign? Every $5,000 we raise translates directly into 75,000 more voter contacts and fuels the progressive movement across the country.


With Just 51 days left to go, check out my message from yesterday and let’s make sure we’re doing everything we can to turn folks out and win these pivotial elections.


For over a decade, the Republican Party has put a huge amount of time, energy, and resources into packing courts across the nation with far-right-wing judges who will reshape the legal system for generations to come.

We cannot afford to cede any more ground to the Republican Party, which has already been successfully packing the courts with right-wing judges that will overturn Roe vs. Wade, weaken our right to vote, and reinforce our broken criminal justice system that disproportionately targets people of color.

So I'd like to take the time to tell you about two vitally important judicial elections taking place in Pennsylvania this November.

But before I do, can you rush a donation of just $10 dollars to help DFA fight Republicans as they look to reshape our courts for decades to come?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court and Pennsylvania Superior Court are two statewide intermediate appellate courts with important elections this year that will shape crucial policies in the state for at least the next decade.

That’s why DFA has endorsed Timika Lane for Judge of PA Superior Court and Lori Dumas for Judge of PA Commonwealth Court.

While most appellate courts do not have original jurisdiction over cases, the Commonwealth Court does, including over cases involving elections.

The Superior Court is often the final arbiter of legal disputes and it hears appeals in criminal and most civil cases, making it a critical court for criminal justice issues.

Even though state level judicial elections are some of the most powerful positions in government, they get very little attention from voters.

With several extremely important cases, including ones on election laws, voting rights, labor practices, and criminal justice, we need to make sure that the judges who take power in these crucial elections will uphold progressive values.

Will you stand with DFA -- and support two amazing judicial candidates that will reduce Republicans’ power over the courts? Chip in $10 or more to help DFA elect Timika Lane and Lori Dumas in Pennsylvania now.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you for helping elect these amazing leaders.

- Chris

Chris Scott
Chief Political Officer
Democracy for America