This is unacceptable, John. The Biden Administration just announced that it withdrew David Chipman's nomination to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.

We won’t sugarcoat it, this is a major win for the gun lobby. To call this a disappointment is a huge understatement. But we refuse to let the gun lobby’s grip on Congress continue putting the safety of the American people in jeopardy.

With 25 years of experience, Chipman is exceedingly qualified to lead the agency. But instead of swiftly confirming him and giving the only federal agency tasked with enforcing gun laws a permanent head, the Senate cowed to the gun lobby and refused to act.

To make matters worse, in explaining their refusal to confirm Chipman, Senators echoed the gun lobby, which spent millions of dollars to spread conspiracies and misinformation in a campaign to sink his nomination. This campaign was never about Chipman’s qualifications, it was about maintaining a weakened ATF to protect gun industry profits.

We can’t allow lawmakers to prioritize gun industry profits over people. Pitch in today to fund our fight to take on the gun lobby.

This is proof that we are going to have to work harder than ever to counter the toxic and extreme gun lobby. And it’s proof that we must stay committed to holding elected officials of BOTH parties accountable. Because we know that the gun lobby won’t stop at Chipman’s confirmation. They will keep spending millions to fight any and all lifesaving gun violence prevention measures.

We have taken on the gun lobby and won, John. And we know that we can do it again. But we can’t do it alone. We are up against the deep pockets of the gun industry. Please, donate today to be a part of the movement to root out the extreme gun lobby.

Thank you,
Renée (she/her)


P.O. Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194

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