Brunch Bash feat. Mean Tweets: Transit Edition!
A Bold New Director of Transportation

30x30: Our First Rapid Campaigns


Come to Brunch!

This movement won't build itself, so we have a big ask of you: come to brunch on the bay! There's no better time to support your dedicated, full time transit advocates.

We've got your tasty food, mimosas, transit poetry, transit style mean tweets, bayside beauty, your favorite transit advocates, membership matching, and a big ol' raffle.

Invite your friends and family - every new person you bring gets you another raffle entry! This is a great time to introduce new folks to San Francisco Transit Riders and what we're working for.

Member Raffle! 

Get a raffle entry for joining or renewing in July. Get a raffle entry for each new person you get to join during July. Get a raffle entry for helping out, for coming to the brunch, and purchase more raffle tickets at the brunch! (Staff, board members, and their families/households excluded.)

Grand Prize: exclusive behind-the-scenes Cable Car Barn tour.

Other prizes include:
Muni bus shelter map
Fort Point Brewing gift certificate
Urban Putt gift certificate
De Young Museum tickets
San Francisco Symphony tickets
Golden Gate Ferry tickets
... and more!


Let's Have a Bold Director of Transportation

The SFMTA board, in charge of hiring a new Director of Transportation, asked for input on what people want in a new Director of Transportation. So we told them


30x30: Our First Rapid Campaigns
We had a great workshop last week to launch our campaigns to get rapid service on the 22 Fillmore, the 29 Sunset, and the T Third (technically already rapid, but not really). SFMTA gave us the background and context on making a route Rapid, then we split into groups to talk about the unique challenges to getting rapid service on each line. Learn more to be ready to jump in and help make it happen!


San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 

[email protected]
