Hi Friend,

For most of us, the images of 9/11 are burned into our memories forever, and the scars of the day have transformed families and communities across the country. The loss of life that day was catastrophic, and we will never forget those who perished, the rescuers who ran into the face of danger to help, or the mark it has left on our national consciousness.

But we must also remember the day after: September 12th 

On this day, as the shock of the attack began to wane and the reality of our situation cemented itself in our minds, Americans across the country came together behind a shared purpose. We put aside partisan rhetoric and the political gulf between Republicans and Democrats shrunk. There were still struggles, of course. Fear and anger fueled resentment and bigotry for some. We confronted those challenges together, as one nation, stronger, and more compassionate than before. 

Twenty years later, America is struggling under the weight of new — and old — challenges. We fear for the future of our democracy. Some seek comfort in increasingly isolated groups, sowing new division for personal or political gain. And an ominous threat to our health hangs across the nation’s head. 

But today is September 12th. It is the anniversary of the day after ‘the day’, when we faced adversity head on, as one people, putting country over party to protect one another and to buttress a democracy under assault.

As we remember 9/11, let us also remember 9/12, and the renewed solidarity and strength which arose from the ashes and rubble. Our dangers may be different, and our challenges ever-changing. But what has not changed in twenty years is our capacity to overcome when we stand together. It’s time to take a page from history and treat every day like it’s September 12th. 

—Renew America Movement



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