Dear John,
Help honor and celebrate our Founder, Brigitte Gabriel, as we wish her a happy birthday!
No one can dispute that Brigitte Gabriel is one of the most passionate and patriotic American citizens who has devoted
her life to fighting to preserve our freedoms and keeping America and its citizens safe from all threats foreign and domestic.
Despite the daily attacks, hate mail, death threats, and all the false labels the Fake News Media tries to stick on
her, Brigitte is undettered to keep fighting for our safety and freedoms.
Her motto is "Actions Speak Louder Than
She founded ACT in July 2002 as a response to 9/11. As the economy was going through a major crisis, she walked away
from her TV production company to devote her live to activism. Finances were so tight that she canceled her family's health insurance and went without health insurance for two years to start funding the organization.
Between 2004 and 2007, she spent her kids' college funds to finance the organization. Both her children had to go
to community college then transfer to universities because of her committment to ACT.
Ms. Gabriel didn't begin taking any compensation from ACT until 2008 and never asked for one dime in
In 2011, her address was ousted and she had to leave her home in a matter of hours and live in a secure place until she
found a permanent safe home in 2012.
She walks around today with a spring to her step, grateful for turning 55. She never thought she would live to see
that number!
She continues to fight today and always says, "As long as I know there are patriots standing with me I will
keep on fighting for all of us."
In honor of her work and in recognition for her sacrifices, we are asking our patriot members to stand with
Brigitte on her 55th birthday by making a $55 tax deductible donation to ACT For America.
If you sign up today for a recurring donation of $25 or more, or make a one-time donation of $55 or more, Brigitte will send you a signed copy of her first book, "Because They Hate" and an exclusive ACT for America lapel
Everyone who donates from now until Friday will be placed in a raffle, and one lucky patriot partner will be chosen to receive a personal thank you call from
Let's show Brigitte Gabriel some love and appreciation through a 100% tax deductibe
A safer America starts with you, and we hope you join us as a patriot partner today! Together we rise in
defense of our security, our freedoms, and our values.
Always Devoted,
The ACT for America Team