Kamala Harris. Elizabeth Warren. Joe Biden. Andrew Yang. Michael Bennet. Eric Swalwell. Wayne Messam. Marianne Williamson. Bernie Sanders. These candidates were all at the #PPCMoralCongress on Monday to hear directly from members like you about the issue

Dear John,

Kamala Harris. Elizabeth Warren. Joe Biden. Andrew Yang. Michael Bennet. Eric Swalwell. Wayne Messam. Marianne Williamson. Bernie Sanders.

These candidates were all at the #PPCMoralCongress to hear directly from members like you about the issues facing 140 million poor people.

By holding the nation’s biggest candidate forum right before the first televised debate, the Poor People’s Campaign is shaping the political narrative and our nation’s policy priorities heading into 2020 and beyond.


At the #PPCMoralCongress, we also released a Moral Budget with research by world-renowned economists, and after a day-long Freedom School and organizing workshops, members testified at a congressional hearing in front of the House Budget Committee on Capitol Hill.

We’re lifting up poor people’s voices and owning our power. Chip in $15 to change the way grassroots movements talk to the most powerful people in the world.

During the 2016 election cycle, not a single hour was devoted to how candidates would address America’s poverty. At the Moral Action Congress, we blew that number out of the water with an entire forum of conversations about how poverty relates to problems like systemic racism, ecological devastation, the war economy and Christian nationalism.

Fielding questions directly from poor and impacted people shouldn’t be radical. We’re changing the game so that it won’t be. But we can only do this with your help: Donate $15 so that we can take big and bold actions like this to hold policymakers accountable until the system changes.

This is what a moral fusion movement can achieve when we organize.


Fight poverty, not the poor!

Reverend Dr. William J. Barber II and Reverend Dr. Liz Theoharis
President of Repairers of the Breach & Director of the Kairos Center
Co-Chairs of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

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