Patriot, Would you rather die on your feet or live
on your knees? After watching President Joe Biden lecture unvaccinated Americans on Thursday,
it became abundantly clear you and I have now arrived at the critical moment where we will each have to answer that question.
The truth is Joe Biden fancies himself a king. And your liberty,
property, and reasons for making your own health care decisions don’t matter one iota to him.
On top of mandating the COVID jab for all federal employees, contractors, and the armed services, he is now dictating that every private sector
employer with at least 100 employees require the jab or endure weekly testing for their entire workforce.
This will affect 80 MILLION private sector employees and countless business owners. And should a business fail to bow to the edict, they
will be fined $14,000 per instance of “neglect.” In December 2020, Biden said he
would not mandate the vaccine. That wasn’t long after he and Kamala Harris insisted they
would never take the rushed vaccine themselves! I don’t know about you, but I’m
really not very surprised. The question is, what will we do about it?
First and foremost, Congress needs to act. Requiring that private
companies coerce their employees to take ANYTHING into their bodies is not only unconstitutional, but it’s also medically dangerous.
As a physician, I can’t imagine anything worse than the government dictating what type of medication
an individual MUST take. Patriot, this isn’t just any medication either -- it’s an
experimental jab with known severe side effects, which include the death of thousands of people already.
Every single American has the right to weigh the benefits and the risks of the shot and decide for themselves what they will do.
In his speech, Joe Biden had the nerve to say he was “losing his patience” with the
“unvaccinated” in America and demanded they “show some respect.”
It’s high time you and I DEMAND he show some respect to American citizens, the rule of law, and our constitutional rights!
Sign your “MY Patience is Wearing Thin”
directive to your U.S. Senators and Representative IMMEDIATELY to DEMAND they rein in Joe Biden’s politically-driven terror campaign against
free Americans. There is reason for hope that Congress and governors will fight back, but just a
few have spoken out. Many more need to. Many elected officials are speaking out:
>>"This is absolutely unconstitutional," Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) wrote in a tweet, attaching a link to the news.
>>"Mandates are not the answer," Rep. Neal Dunn (R-FL) said in response. "Getting the
vaccine should be up to you and your doctor — not the federal government."
>>"All 9 million federal employees should consult with their doctor and make a personal, informed decision about taking the vaccine,"
wrote Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO). "You don’t lead by coercion. Biden has failed as a leader in every way."
>>"This is unconstitutional," said Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-LA). "The U.S. Constitution does not give
the President this type of authority. Nowhere in Article 2 of the Constitution will you find anything that even remotely gives the President this kind
of power." >>"The federal government has no authority to force businesses in
Texas and across the country to mandate their employees get vaccinated. American businesses are still recovering from this past year and a half. It is
cruel and burdensome to impose this authoritarian mandate," Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said in a statement Friday.
Patriot, this is a good start but much more of it is needed.
Joe Biden should be reminded of his exact words from December of last year after he had been declared the winner
of the 2020 election when asked about making the COVID vaccinations mandatory. "No, I don't think it should be
mandatory. I wouldn't demand it to be mandatory. I'll do everything in my power as president of the United States to encourage people to do the right
thing and when they do it, demonstrate that it matters." -Joe Biden, December 4th, 2020 It’s time for Congress to put their foot down NOW to stand up for the Republic and
medical freedom. Sign your “MY Patience is Wearing Thin”
directive to your U.S. Senators and Representative IMMEDIATELY to DEMAND they rein in Joe Biden’s politically driven terror campaign against
free Americans. After signing, please chip in $25, $50, or whatever you
can afford to help us fight back against these COVID mandates. How you and I handle this next phase of the tyrannical response to
the Coronavirus outbreak will determine a lot about how our children and grandchildren’s future plays out.
People are free to make their own medical decisions, including those who want to take the COVID vaccination because they think
it’s the right choice for them. But that is no longer the conversation being had in
Washington, D.C. and by our now dictatorial president. According to Epoch Times:
White House senior adviser Cedric Richmond said President Joe Biden is willing to “run over” any Republican governors who
attempt to fight back against federal vaccine mandates. “And those governors that
stand in the way, I think, it was very clear from the president’s tone today that he will run over them,” he said.
They want FORCE and COERCION
to be the determining factor and are not mincing words about it. Biden has assembled himself as not only a medical dictator, but also a front man for Big Pharma dropping the hammer on Americans who are
not interested in taking their products. Patriot, what about those who can’t take the
shot due to medical reasons? Or those who have robust immunity to COVID because they’ve already had the disease? Even the so-called “option” for expensive weekly COVID testing to avoid a vaccination still falls into the space of
coercion, and quite frankly, it’s clear humiliation of those who continue to exercise that last remaining choice before being terminated. Biden is counting on workers growing weary from the constant testing, so they’ll cave to his
demands to avoid the hassle. If this mandate stands, I honestly do not know where this
leaves us as a country. There will no doubt be court cases argued about the legality
of Biden’s private sector vaccination mandates, but the people ultimately have more power than the courts -- if our voices are concentrated.
That’s why I am strongly urging you to compel Congress to act at once to rein in
Biden’s terroristic threats against businesses and health care freedom. Sign the
directive at once! Even Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) cannot deny she said these
COVID vaccinations can never be mandatory. “Why not consider something like requiring that everyone be fully
vaccinated?” a reporter asked Pelosi at an April 29, 2021 press conference, to which Pelosi repeatedly replied that vaccinations cannot be
mandated: “So, here’s the thing: we cannot require someone to be vaccinated.
That's just not what we can do.” (CNSNews.com) If Pelosi can stand up against vaccination mandates publicly, why can’t the rest of her caucus and the rest of
Congress? Let’s make sure she and the rest of our legislators live up to their words.
In Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman P.S. We are at
a true turning point in our country now, especially with the Biden mandates. It’s important you and I stand up and make it clear to our elected
officials we won’t stand for this. Sign your “My Patience is Wearing Thin”
directive now and let Congress know it’s time for them to act and put a STOP to the Corona madness and unconstitutional actions by Joe
Biden. Liberty will ultimately prevail, but not without you and me facing some
tough battles. Many eyes need to be opened, and Campaign for Liberty is keeping the brushfires of liberty burning. Let’s make 2021 a historic
year. Please consider a generous donation
today. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click
here. ____________________________________
The mission
of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign.