Dear Comrades,

Racial Justice Working Group organizer Angel Dobrow forwarded this appeal to mobilize:

The Greater Downtown Council has claimed $300K for their Clean Streets program from funds the Community Crisis Response organizers thought were being set aside to allow the creation of a community-based plan for crisis response. Earlier today the NAACP reached out to the GDC to point out the potential duplication of services, that a community-based crisis response is preferable, but the GDC's response was 'no collaboration'.

This is an equity issue. Once again, corporations and their 'stakeholders' deciding what is best for all of us. A resolution to transfer the funds to the GDC was tabled at the last City Council meeting, and a meeting is planned to further discuss the GDC funding that excludes members of the Community Crisis Response working group. 

We want to ALL attend the City Council meeting to demand this resolution be:
1. Voted down.
2. Moved back to the City Administration so as to include the community crisis response plans.
3. Tabled.

In addition, between now and the Monday night meeting, call your City Counselor to register your voice to say that the GDC should not be given any of the funding, until such time their program is coordinated with the community crisis response program.

Lastly, please call the companies that belong to the GDC. Emphasize and insist the GDC work with the community crisis response group. Here is a list of the visible/prominent members If you know of others call them too!


Angel Dobrow
Duluth Community Safety Initiative
member of the Community Crisis Response working group

In Solidarity,
John Krumm
TPDSA Secretary

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