Did you see all the progress we made with the Environment Bill this week?

Did you see all the progress we made with the Environment Bill this week?

Our Green peers, Natalie Bennett and Jenny Jones, worked hard to make sure that the Lords passed amendments, which will:

🌎Guarantee the independence of the Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) and stop the government directing its work. This is crucial because the OEP must be effective and free from ministerial 'guidance' to fulfil its role as an environmental watchdog, holding the Government and public authorities to account on compliance with environmental law and take enforcement actions if there are any breaches.

🌍Protect soil health. Natalie pushed an amendment to protect the health and quality of soil to the floor and won. Responding to the pressure of the vote, the government agreed to produce a soil health strategy. But that does not remove the need for a soil target to match those for air and water.

🌎Adopt the World Health Organisation targets for pollutant PM 2.5.Jenny promoted an amendment for the UK to adopt this target that tackles the fine particles which do the most damage to our health.

The Environment Bill presents a real opportunity to set standards for how we treat our planet and make sure that the government is held accountable for their actions. Greens are making sure that happens.

Now we need your help to put pressure on MPs to support the amendments when they reach the House of Commons and sign and share our petition to raise awareness. Can you speak to your MP and tell them that without these safeguards, the work of the EOP will be compromised from the start with minimal enforcement on all environmental legislation?

Thank you for helping us put the frameworks in place for environmental accountability and an overhaul of the systems we live under.


In hope,

The Green Party


P.S. Look out for next week's votes in the Lords. Natalie will be asking them to pass her amendment making Ecocide a crime. Jenny has drawn up a joint amendment with the City of London and London local authorities to give councils power to tackle air pollution.