My fellow Republicans,

California needs our help to remove the worst Governor in America - Gavin Newsom. California, one of the most liberal states in the Nation, has the opportunity to remove California Governor Gavin Newsom in a Recall Election on September 14. 

Polls are very close and they need every bit of help! If we don't recall California Governor Gavin Newsom, Utah will continue to see more than just bad air quality coming from Californiahis failed policies will spread to Utah too.

If we don't recall California Governor Gavin Newsom, his failed policies will spread to other states including ours. Invasive government, high taxes, homelessness, and crime will all increase in our state. Don't let that happen and get involved TODAY.

California has already given us Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Vice-President Kamala Harris. If Gavin Newsom survives the recall, he will likely run for President. Together we can stop a President Newsom Administration by ending Governor Newsom's political career now on September 14.

Thank you for your help. 

Chairman Jorgensen