Hey there, friend!

I wanted to make sure you saw the news that we rolled out our first round of endorsements for my campaign for Congress. It means so much to me that local leaders across Montana are voicing their support, and it's a testament to the locally-grown, inclusive, and solutions-oriented campaign we are running.

I'd still love to have YOU on our official list of endorsers, friend. This is a people-powered campaign, and nothing sends a message of grassroots support stronger than hundreds joining our campaign as official endorsers.

If you haven't yet, join local leaders and thousands across Montana who are backing our movement >>



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Team Cora
Date: Thu, Sep 9, 12:07 PM
Subject: Our first round of endorsements! [NEW]


Big news, team!

We're excited to announce our first round of local endorsers backing Cora's campaign for Congress in Montana.
State Senator Chris Pope (SD-31): "I'm proud to endorse Cora. I've watched her lead our state through a crisis, working in partnership with communities and businesses to get our economy back on track. She's the best equipped to win in November and will be a voice for our Main Streets and working families in Congress."
State Senator Pat Flowers (SD-32): "Cora is the person we need representing us in Montana's new congressional district. We need a strong advocate who will tackle threats to public lands head on, work to protect our public lands and ensure all Montana families have access to high-quality healthcare across this state. Cora is that leader."
Helena Mayor Wilmot Collins: "I'm endorsing Cora in her campaign for our new congressional district because I know just how dedicated she is to serving Montana. As mayor of Helena, I know that whether it's fighting for our small businesses or advocating for our Veterans, she will roll up her sleeves and get to work for all of us in Congress."
Former Executive Director of Western Native Voice Marci McLean: "When COVID hit, Cora filled a void that no one else could to ensure Natives had a voice at the table. Cora has over 20 years of experience working with our communities. She understands and respects Tribal consultation and government-to-government relations. I trust her with my children's future."

As you know, the race for Montana's new congressional seat will likely be one of the most competitive races in the country. That's why we're so proud that Cora has already attracted significant local support from across our communities.

Over the course of the next couple of months, we'll be announcing even more support from local elected officials, small business owners, environmentalists, and Native leaders. Our momentum is growing, and it's clear our community is ready for some homegrown solutions to tackle the issues we face -- whether we're talking about affordable housing, defending our public lands, and health care access.

We set a goal of signing up 250 more community endorsements from across Montana before the end of this week. Will you add your name to become an official endorser of Cora's campaign for Congress?
Add your name

As you know, special interests PACs are going to parachute into Montana to try and derail all our hard work. They may have more cash, but with your help, we will not be outnumbered.

Endorse our campaign today to send a message that Cora is the overwhelming favorite to represent our community in Congress >>

Thank you!

Team Cora
