Hey John,

There's no doubt about it: Seditionists say the darndest things.

And with so much awful material to work with, we thought we'd give you a little quiz.

Click here to take it, and see how well you know these GOP liars. Then, fuel our mission to call them out and protect our House majority by chipping in $5 or more >> Here's the first question. Who said the following:
“If our election systems continue to be rigged and continue to be stolen, it's gonna lead to one place, and it's bloodshed."

A: Matt Gaetz
B: Marjorie Taylor Green
C. Lauren Boebert
D. Madison Cawthorn
E. Devin Nunes
F. Kevin McCarthy
It's hard, right? The fact that these horrendous quotes could come from anyone in the House GOP is frightening — and frankly, unacceptable.

But liars like Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Lauren Boebert could win control of the House in 2022 if we don't act.

That's why we need you on our side, John. If you can, chip in $5 to keep us on track to shield our House and keep these people far away from the Speaker's podium.


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