Dear Partners,

As Congress returns to DC, we are entering a crucial period for advocacy to ensure health priorities are addressed in the upcoming infrastructure package and legislation undergoing the Reconciliation process. Now is the time for mobilization and action, and we’re here to support you.

NEW REPORT: Today, Families USA released a report detailing exactly What's at Stake for America’s Families in Congress: lower health care costs, drug pricing reform, improved marketplace affordability, providing federal coverage to those who live in the “coverage gap” in states that didn’t expand Medicaid, and narrowed racial and ethnic disparities in health care, among numerous other health care priorities. 

Use this brand new report, with state specific data and updated messaging, to support advocacy in your state. We hope you will also take action with us during the easy-to-join events listed below!


  • Families USA's "What's at Stake in Congress: A Critical Health Advocacy Moment" Mobilization Webinar will be held on Wednesday, September 15th at 3PM EST. Join us to hear what's happening in Congress, learn what's at stake for improving health in your state, and get the tools you need to take action this month. Register here to join us!
  • Join us and other advocates next week (9/16) from 12:00-12:30PM ET to #UniteForHealthCare on Twitter and dial up the pressure on Congress to center health in the upcoming package! Feel free to use this Thursday 30 Toolkit, which we update and add to weekly. 
  • Families USA Call-In Day - Wednesday, September 22nd. Stay tuned for more information soon.

SIGN-ON OPPORTUNITY: Sign on to this letter by close of business today to support 12-month continuous Medicaid/CHIP eligibility for children:

  • ACAP has put together a sign-on letter that is open to all national, state, and local organizations that support continuous eligibility. The letter itself is attached; you can sign on using this form. The turnaround for signing on is tight so that we can weigh in with Congress in time for markups next week. We are aiming for organizations to sign on by COB TODAY, September 10.

Please reach out to any of us at Families USA to connect on our shared advocacy efforts. 

Have a great weekend,

Tiana Rodriguez
Strategic Partnerships Coordinator

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Health Action Network

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