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Top Articles Weekly

Read our editor’s picks for the week:

Decentering Whiteness: Building for the Movement Tasks Ahead

Each mainstream institution has a legacy and contemporary form of whiteness it needs to confront. The political challenge is to find effective ways to do that. Read more...
10 Essential Strategies to Increase Revenue Streams
Learn how to enhance your #fundraising plans and stay on top of today’s evolving landscape with FrontStream’s eGuide: 10 Essential Strategies to Increase Revenue Streams. Learn the benefits of adopting emerging trends, such as virtual and hybrid events and how to leverage multiple fundraising activities that will help your organization raise more! 
Get your free eGuide now.

Labor Day 2021: Prospects for Workers amid a Hedge Fund Economy

Unions are more popular than they have been in the United States in over half a century. But restoring labor’s power will require more than popularity. Read...
CGP Conference: Choose Your Experience
The National Association of Charitable Gift Planners presents two ways to attend CGP Conference 2021: 
•    In-person experience, Oct. 4-6, Orlando, FL
•    Virtual experience, Sept. 20-24

Learn more about each experience.
Imaginal Cells of the Solidarity Economy

The convergence of the multiple crises we are facing today has created a rare opportunity to push for a new system beyond capitalism. Read more...

Make an Impact: Streamline Operations & Improve Workflow
A strong financial management system helps you and your team do more, efficiently and effectively. AccuFund solutions help nonprofits improve all aspects of operations – budgeting, data transparency, grants management, HR, payroll, automations, API integrations and more. 
Join a live webinar.

The Voice Lab

The Voice Lab is a fellowship for leaders of color who are articulating new ideas and creating new forms. It is a yearlong cohort experience, hosted by Edge Leadership (an R+D platform for social change at NPQ), in developing your unique creative voice. Applications due September 14, 2021. Apply here…
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