Dear John,
Check out the following events and webinars we've got lined up for you. We hope we'll see you at one or more of these sessions where you can hear from Ceres experts on a variety of sustainability topics. |
Evening with Ceres
October 13, 2021, 8pm ET | 5pm PT
Join us for our annual event of engaging speakers, dynamic performers and superb networking—and discover what’s in store for the next year and beyond. Help us make a movement. Make a difference. Make climate change history. |
Ceres regularly hosts and is involved with webinars on a variety of sustainability topics for investors, companies, policymakers and anyone interested in building a more just and sustainable economy. |
Climate Action 100+ Global Sector Strategies: Recommended investor expectations for food and beverage
September 13, 2021, 11am ET
Building upon the Climate Action 100+ Net Zero Company Benchmark, released in March 2021, the Global Sector Strategies workstream identifies key sector-specific actions that should be featured in corporate transition plans, particularly as it pertains to indicator 5 of the Benchmark: decarbonization strategy. Participants will breakdown the current state of GHG emissions in the food and beverage sector, review priority actions companies can take to address them, and examine how companies are performing and how investors can further accelerate progress in the coming years. |
Financing a Net Zero Economy: The Consequences of Physical Climate Risk for Banks
September 14, 2021, 1pm ET
A new report released by the Ceres Accelerator for Sustainable Capital Markets this week reveals that the physical impacts of climate change could amount to more than a $250 billion risk annually for the largest U.S. banks. The report sets out a practical roadmap to help banks conduct risk assessments and incorporate climate risks into their day-to-day decision-making. Join us for a webinar to discuss the report findings and recommendations with a former Senior Deputy Comptroller of the Currency and the Head of Financial Risk at Regions Bank. |
Phenix Digital Impact Symposium
September 14-15, 2021, 2-4:30pm CET / 8-10:30am ET
Phenix Digital Impact Symposium is a highly curated institutional investor event. The Symposium will welcome institutional investors and asset owners around the globe for a two part-day program with investment game-changing discussions on Sustainable & Impact Investing. The event encourages meaningful peer-to-peer dialogue on the challenges and opportunities of integrating impact investments into an institutional portfolio, and the creation of a collaborative community. FREE participation for institutional investors & asset owners.
Ceres expert Robin Miller, Manager of Investor Engagement, Water, moderates a panel on building a nature-positive economy on Sep 14, 8:20am ET. |
Walking the Talk on Climate Lobbying (part of Climate Week NYC)
September 22, 2021, 12pm ET
The impacts of climate change not only pose financial and material risks to companies and industries, but also systemic risk to financial markets writ large. Given the nature of this risk, all corporate action—including corporate lobbying—should be proportional to the risk faced and aligned with the latest science on climate change. Yet Ceres’ recent assessment of 96 large U.S.-based companies reveals that only 40% have engaged directly with lawmakers on science-based climate policies and only a handful are assessing and acting on misalignments found within their trade associations. In this session, participants will examine growing investor expectations on corporate
climate lobbying, identify how corporate systems can better align direct and indirect lobbying with climate risk assessments and explore opportunities that publicly advocate for science-based climate policy. |
Sustainable Investment Forum North America 2021, in collaboration with Climate Week NYC
September 21, 23, 28, 30, 2021
Ceres is partnering with Climate Action for SIF NA 2021, that will bring together asset owners and investment managers, institutional investors, pension funds, banks, development banks, policymakers, think tanks and NGOs to continue to build the momentum for sustainable finance and responsible investment. Register now.
Join Ceres experts Dawn Martin, Dazzle Bhujwala and Rev. Kirsten Spalding during SIF NA 2021:
Sep 21, 9:35am ET: Dawn Martin, Executive VP, moderates a panel on whether a multilateral approach in US foreign policy under Biden can result in increased foreign investment and accelerate the drive for a green and inclusive recovery globally
Sep 21, 10:20am ET: Dazzle Bhujwala, Investor Network Director, speaks during "Changing Climate for Private Equity"
Sep 23, 9:45am ET: Rev. Kirsten Spalding, Investor Network Senior Program Director, joins a panel debate on "Understanding ESG ratings and performance: translating corporate performance and governance in sustainability into financial performance- as more investors choose ESG over traditional indexes with the differences between being an ESG ‘winner’ or ‘ loser’ become more meaningful?"
World Climate Forum North America
September 22, 2021
The World Climate Forum NORTH AMERICA 2021 takes place virtually during New York Climate Week and the UN General Assembly on September 22nd, as the second Forum in a series leading to COP26. The Forum will gather senior policymakers and high-level public and private actors for discussions on advancing net zero targets across all sectors, required to limit global warming to 1.5 degree and accelerate the green recovery. Register here. |
Net Zero Festival
September 29-October 1, 2021
This year's Net Zero Festival will provide a showcase for the projects and innovations that are driving the net zero transition, as well as a unique forum in which to explore the immense challenges and opportunities associated with the green industrial revolution. Register here.
Join Ceres experts Mindy Lubber and Tracey Cameron:
Sep 29, 11:20am ET: Mindy Lubber, Plenary: Tomorrow’s Net Zero World. What will the world look like in 2030, 2040, and 2050, as the journey towards a net zero economy gathers pace? What will society expect and how will businesses adapt?
Sep 30, 7:35am ET: Tracey Cameron: Stranded Assets: Is the world inflating a carbon bubble?
Climate Action Pursuit
Next Milestone: October 7-8, 2021: Ceres is partnering with Second Nature and the Intentional Endowments Network (IEN) for Climate Action Pursuit, throughout 2021, which will lead a process of learning, planning, acting, and leading on climate and justice on our campuses, in our communities, and across our society and economy.
Register now for the 3rd Milestone on October 7-8. |
World Climate Summit – The Investment COP
November 7-8, 2021
The World Climate Summit – the Investment COP is the premier meeting place for government, business, finance and civil society alongside the COP 26 negotiations. In 2021, the Summit will focus on stepping up climate ambition and achieving net zero emissions in the context of the Paris Agreement and a post-COVID-19 economy. Taking place live from Glasgow and digitally. Pre-register here. |
Ceres 2021
All the sessions from our Ceres 2021 digital conference last spring are now available online. Check out the sessions you missed, or rewatch your favorite sessions here. |