Our leaders need to hear from us: We want a clean, renewable energy future and the jobs that come with it. Tell them to STOP bailing out a failing, dirty, crooked industry that poisons our environment and vulnerable communities and START investing in a safe, healthy, sustainable American future.
Proposals from the White House and Congress would invest up to $50 billion dollars in subsidies for aging, uneconomical nuclear power plants over the next decade. The Biden Administration’s infrastructure bill is our chance to take real, effective action on climate, economic renewal, and a just future. These nuclear bailouts would perpetuate environmental injustices while blocking effective progress toward climate action. We can’t let the nuclear industry block actual climate solutions, economic prosperity, and justice to subsidize the dirty, unjust, and corrupt energy systems of the status quo.
Join us in mobilizing communities across the country to stand up and say NO to nuclear bailouts and YES to justice, jobs, and climate action. Call your elected officials, write a letter to the editor, change your Zoom background, and recruit your community to get involved.
The checklist includes several simple online actions and contains links to a call script, online letters, social media kit, and even backgrounds for meetings.