Weekly Reads
“Neither [top-down nor bottom-up] leadership models lends itself to the kind of multi-dimensional approach needed for true collaboration, or the cyclical process of ideation and information sharing that can solve complex social problems. To meet these needs, we recommend a different, third approach we call ‘locally driven, network supported,’ or LDNS. This model—which numerous successful organizations already use—marries the best elements of the top-down and bottom-up models, and encourages an ego-less, fluid, intentional approach to systems-level social change.” [more]
English Sall, Sall Family Foundation and Jeffrey C. Walker, New Profit, in Stanford Social Innovation Review
“[MacKenzie] Scott’s departure from the paper- and process-heavy norms of strategic philanthropy … has caused those in the foundation and nonprofit sector, as well as the philanthropy peanut gallery, to reflect on whether her example offers a new and improved way to support organizations that are doing good. … Rather than setting up philanthropic infrastructure, Scott has asked a small number of advisors to conduct due diligence without burdening potential grant recipients.” [more]
Ruth Levine, IDinsight, for Center for Effective Philanthropy
“Today, philanthropy has very different faces and finds itself pulled in different directions. In fact, we might go as far as to say that two parallel philanthropic universes have emerged which are likely to shape the future of philanthropy over the next 25 years. … In one universe, the rise of community-based philanthropy, movements to shift power to grassroots, and technology-enabled movements like Giving Tuesday feel inherently more democratic—everyone participates on an equal footing and all kinds and levels of giving are respected equally. And when you add to that recent demands to diversify foundation boards, the growth of participatory grantmaking, an impetus for racial and gender justice and calls to ‘shift the power’—though meaning different things to different people—an almost palpable egalitarian and democratic ferment can be felt pulsating through our sector. … But in another universe, there are growing concentrations of wealth—and thus ever-deepening pools of philanthropic capital.” [more]
Maria Chertok, Caroline Hartnell, Charles Keidan, Elika Roohi and Ingrid Srinath, in Alliance