Last action of the week! And we know it’s Friday, so it’s a quick one. Sign our petition to say you support working people and you want laws that protect our right to join unions. Then enjoy the weekend!

Hi John,


Thank you for participating in our Labor Day week of action! We know we sent you a lot of emails, but we’ve waited too long for laws that support working people. We need our senators to listen NOW. So sign the petition telling senators to pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.

More than 60 million people would join a union right now if they could. And 68% of people approve of unions, the highest since 1965.


So why aren’t there more union members?


It’s because our labor laws are outdated and have been chipped away by anti-worker judges and lawmakers.


So that’s why we need labor law reform like the PRO Act.


The PRO Act will:

  • Hold corporations accountable for union-busting and strengthen democracy in the workplace.
  • Protect workers’ rights to form and join unions, including in new industries like Big Tech.
  • Repeal racist “right to work” laws. 

So sign our petition to say you support workers and labor law reform.


In Solidarity,




Text WORK to AFLCIO (235246) to join our text action team. (Message and data rates may apply.)