Dear Friends,

We are less than a week away from the California recall election. Coalitions are the party's base, and we know that when coalitions turn out, we win. So join us in propelling Democrats in California to victory by phone banking with the DNC Coalitions & Community Engagement Team at a national phone banking event on this Monday, September 13th! The event will take place at 4:00 PM ET/1:00 PM PT. You can find more information and the sign up link here.

Below you can also find our California recall social media toolkit, which includes resources and graphics to share digitally. Thank you for working with us to continue building our nation back better!



Brencia Berry
Director of Coalitions and Community Engagement
Democratic National Committee

California Recall National Phone Bank
Join the DNC Coalitions & Community Engagement Team in a nationwide phone bank on Monday, September 13th, at 4PM ET/1PM PT. The election is on September 14th, so this is our last chance to urge Californians to vote NO to the Republican recall.
Sign Up Now
California Recall Social Media Toolkit
Stop the Republican takeover of California by sharing out the graphics attached below and spreading the word about the election! Lets make sure that California continues to Build Back Better. Make sure your friends and family vote NO to the Republican recall.
Get Graphics Here
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