Believe it or not, I see every contribution that comes in. I get an e-mail most mornings detailing if and who donated to our campaign the day before. One recently really stood out:



As you know, Morgan started with us as a volunteer, helped us win as Campaign Manager, then ran my office as our Legislative Aid until life moved her up north last Spring. She's moving up in this world and now she's giving back to the cause that she believes in and has fought so hard for.


We can't all live in the trenches of door knocking, bill drafting, and letter writing. Sometimes, like Morgan demonstrated, the best thing we can do is donate and empower the movement from afar.


By matching Morgan's $10 monthly contribution you can help us hold the line here so Democrats can make gains in 2022. You can help us fight against the movement that stormed our Capitol, undermined our democracy, and whose anti-science rhetoric is prolonging this pandemic.


If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:


Thank you! Now, let's go win!
