Hi there Democracy Advocates!

This week the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) has stories for you about far-right lies. 

We found out which organization is behind a group of pro-Trump doctors who are pushing fake Covid-19 cures and grifting off of the people who believe their lies. And we exposed the pay-to-play corporate bill mill the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) for pretending it is not involved in voter suppression legislation and attacks on the teaching of systemic racism.

Here’s the latest!

The Latest From CMD 

Tea Party Patriots Are Behind Pro-Trump Doctors Grifting Off of Fake Covid Cures

Documents obtained by CMD show that the Tea Party Patriots Foundation was the fiscal sponsor of the organization behind America’s Frontline Doctors, which spread lies about Covid-19 and is scamming customers looking for vaccine alternatives.


ALEC Claims Credit for Voter Suppression and Anti-Critical Race Theory Laws at Secret Meeting

ALEC boasted about its role in promoting and passing laws making it harder to vote, barring schools from teaching about America’s racist past, and protecting employers from COVID-related lawsuits at a May meeting of the right-wing Council for National Policy.

ICYMI: ALEC Lied About Its Work on Election Suppression Bills

ALEC claims that it “doesn’t work on voting issues,” but its CEO told a very different story to her right-wing audience at a Council for National Policy meeting in May.


Please partner with us! 

Donate now and help CMD keep the heat on ALEC.

 With your support, CMD will continue to shine a light on ALEC's voter suppression efforts and illegal campaign schemes.

Thank you!

If you'd like to send us a check, please mail it to:

Center for Media and Democracy
P.O. Box 259010
Madison, WI 53725-9010

CMD Around the Web

Our leaked video of the Council for National Policy meeting created controversy in Utah. In the meeting, Utah's Senate president said that Utah Jazz star Donovan Mitchell “doesn’t really understand” what happened with the critical race theory resolution.

  • The Salt Lake Tribune: Utah Senate president says Utah Jazz star Donovan Mitchell ‘doesn’t really understand’ what happened with critical race theory push
  • The Salt Lake Tribune: Stuart Adams or Donovan Mitchell … who you gonna hear and trust when it comes to race in Utah?
  • DeseretNews: Donovan Mitchell didn’t ‘understand’ Utah’s critical race theory resolution, Utah Senate president says
  • KSL Radio News: Senate President Stuart Adams blames Donovan Mitchell for blowback on attempted Critical Race Theory ban
  • Religion Dispatches: Bill Mill-ennialism: Arkansas’ End Times Politics May Be Coming to a State Near You

Our scoop that ALEC is lying about its involvement in voter suppression laws was republished by The American Prospect and Sludge.


Thank you for supporting the Center for Media and Democracy and reading our work at Exposed by CMD! Have a great week.

Arn H. Pearson
Executive Director

CMD is a 501(c)(3) national watchdog and media group that conducts in-depth investigations into corruption and the undue influence of corporations on media and democracy. Our work is regularly cited by news outlets, policymakers, and grassroots activists working to build a more sustainable future and just society. CMD is reader-supported. Please make your tax-deductible donation today. Thank you!

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Center for Media and Democracy
P.O. Box 259010  | Madison, Wisconsin 53725-9010
608-260-9713 | [email protected]

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